


杭州, 2007

网 身体/皮肤 衣服是2维面料裁剪、缝制而成,用于包裹3维身体。并且由于其可以调节体温的功用而发祥,我们可以把它看作从身体扩张而出的"第二层皮肤"。空间也是包裹着身体,可以调节体温,但是由于其不可移动性又与衣服有着根本的区别。



上海, 2022

DUTS杜兹设计在日前完成了位于上海浦东的MHP公共卫生交互中心(上海)的空间设计。全球在经历了包括新冠疫情在内的重大公共健康挑战之后,设计团队期许以更有前瞻可读性与多重交互性的展厅空间,唤起大众对于公共卫生事业的关注,并结合数字化的多场景应用,为公共卫生行业赋能。 ...

Jiakun Architects

Red Era - Entertainment Center

Chengdu, 2001

‘Red Era’ Entertainment Center Location: Nijia-qiao Road, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, P.R.C Desig...


Dongguan Toy Warehouse

Dongguan, 2008

巨大而单一的建筑量体与工业区周边典型而多重的城乡建筑形成了强烈对比。 仓库本身仅是包了一层铁皮的容器,但透过室内空间的分隔组合,它成为物流过程中的“整流器”。 屋面锌板和采光板的错位排列亦令它成为当地的新城市地貌。



The Huashan Prairie, 2012

Exhibit at the NEXT PLAY : Shifting Ground Exhibition: Taipei 臺北未來生活居概念展 THE EVENT – The Colony Project is...

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill

Pearl River Tower

Guangzhou, 2013

The 2.3-million square-foot Pearl River Tower redefines what is possible in sustainable design by incorporating the latest green technolo...



昆山, 2010

建筑设计界中目前流行这样一种做法,就是将一个复杂庞大的工程设计归结到一个与使用功能或基地无多少关系,但外观独特的符号形象上。这种假大空的做法规避了特定环境中人的复杂功能需要, 同时在形式上也通常缺少真正的创意。西方有些建筑评论家很恰当地称之为“一句话&rdquo...



Tsuen Wan, 2008


Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2007

The original planning and design of Sungang Central Plaza by another office includes a two-story underground parking of 10,000 square met...

FAKE Design

9 Boxes-Taihe Complex

Beijing, 2004

After buying the entire development properties from the previous investor, the new developer was eager to transform these 9 houses, which...


Ban(半) House

Weinan, 2013

Brick and wood structure buildings, which exist in large numbers in rural areas, have obvious deficiencies in seismic capacity, lighting,...

10 Design

Sculptural Canopy

Guangdong, 2022

The frontage of Sungang MixC Market Hall, China Resources’ new mixed-use development in Shenzhen, is now complete. Created by Ted Givens...


Brick House

Nanjing, 2007

Based on local courtyard houses, the design evolved from the interaction of two brick houses with the surrounding landscape. Terracotta b...



香港, 2020

位於香港牛頭角下邨的東九文化中心旨在成為跨越觀塘、黃大仙、九龍城、西貢及啟德發展區五個社區的藝術演出及文化活動核心,提供一千二百個座位的大型劇院、五百五十個座位的中型劇院、二百五十個座位的黑盒劇場及一百二十個座位的音樂室,以及其他文化配套設施。 設計包含有一個高滲透度...


Tiancheng Sale Office

Wuhan, 2007

The sale office is divided into two parts: first part is for reception and negotiation, and the second part is used as show room. The who...

FAKE Design

Studio House

Beijing, 1999

Designed for an artist, this studio building has a floor area of 500m2. It consists of a reinforced skeleton-frame structure left exposed...



湾仔, 2012

华润大厦建于 80 年代,属当时湾仔区的地标性大厦。为配合湾仔北区的商业发展活动,以及提高企业形象,业主决定开展总部翻新工程。 考虑到拆除此地标大厦,会影响湾仔区的环境、外观以及天际线,吕元祥建筑师事务所决定进行翻新工程,于大厦加入绿化理念,同时更具成本效益。此翻新工...


Chinese Academy of Sciences IOT Center

Jiading, Shanghai, 2011

The site for this new exhibition center and laboratories was the former 1962 Soviet-designed low-density office cluster sitting amongst a...

Schmidt Hammer Lassen

CaoHeJing Innovation Incubator

Shanghai, 2016

Schmidt Hammer Lassen architects has completed an overhual of an existing office building in Shanghai into an innovation incubator for Hi...

Studio Georges Hung

VC-PE Tower

Shenzhen, 2015

The VC&PE Tower creates a new perspective on the city of Shenzhen. It forms the most visually distinctive landmark tower within the N...

Studio Link-Arc

Shanghai Future Park (Dynamo)

Shanghai, 2017

Located in the Zhangjiang District of Shanghai, to the east of Pudong, Shanghai Future Park is the meant to form a new centerpiece for th...



Near Pai

雅鲁藏布江位于在西藏南部山区,并形成了一些深达5000多米的壮观峡谷。格嘎温泉位于派镇附近,南迦巴瓦峰(7782米)脚下的一个小山谷中。 温泉设计以景观设计的方式在山谷中挖洞。从建筑外围来看,除了穿透地坪抵达温泉的通道,几乎无法察觉什么。


Ningbo Urban Planning Exhibition Center

Ningbo, 2019

Shortly after the successful collaboration for the German Pavilion at the Expo 2010 in Shanghai, the two practices playze and Schmidhuber...

10 Design


Dalian, 2011




安徽省, 2011

OPEN应邀参加大型飞艇库的竞赛项目,场地位于中国安徽省马鞍山静美的原生态山峦之中。挑战性的设计要求包括一座拥有100米宽、300米长、100米高大体积容纳空间的单体建筑,以作为制造与储备飞艇的场所。此结构还要求有一扇开启面积为100米 x 100米的大门供飞艇进出。重型起...


Tony's Organic House

Shanghai, 2013

Context Following a successful collaboration for a multifunctional building complex at Tony’s Farm, playze ...

10 Design


中国东北, 2011

规划局打算兴建7座市政项目包括图书馆、科学中心、城市规划展览博物馆、青年活动中心等。城市规划展览博物馆是其第一个项目,以现代化、优等、含办公及展览场地的功能,旨在成为在市内地标性的建筑物。 "新的规划馆将浮现在中央市政公园,成为市中心的标志性雕塑",IO (拾...

Studio Link-Arc

CRLand Archive Library

Shenzhen, 2018

RETURN OF THE HORIZON Echoing the topography, the architecture has a fortress-like appearance, with few windows and an austere stepped m...

Studio Link-Arc

Nanjing Art Center

Nanjing, 2019

The Nanjing Art Center is located at the southernmost tip of Nanjing New Town, where three rivers intersect to create a landform known as...

Parallect Design


Guangzhou, 2021

The project was invited by the Super life Trend joint exhibition of Guangzhou Design Week, and cooperated with the new designers in the d...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning…

Shenzhen, 2016

The Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) is part of the master plan for the Futian Cultural District, the new ur...

CRG Architects

China Tobacco Logistics Center

Longgang, Shenzhen, 2013

The project is located in Shenzhen, Longgang District, Pinghu Logistics Park, land area of ​​73,480.12 m², the total construction ar...

W2 Architects



The three egg shaped tower, on the mountains of Ninghai near Ningbo city, tries to emulate the notion of nature and mountainous terrain a...


BodyConcept 普拉提工作室

Minhang, 2020

普拉提(Pilates),是门专注于身体肌肉控制的运动,以「专注、呼吸、核心、控制、精确、流畅」规律的节奏,对身体进行训练。在上海静安 BodyConcept 普拉提工作室 的设计,因座落在闹区里面,我们将空间用单一却有秩序层次,让学员在进到空间时可以迅速切换,进入“专注”...

Atelier Alter Architects

Dual-Purpose Exhibition Pavilion

Beijing, 2022

An Exhibition Pavilion that Can Be Recycled and Reused Generally speaking, exhibits on display during an exhibition can be recycled and ...


Macau Central Library

Macau, 2020-2025

The new Macau Central Library will be located by the Tap Seac square in the historical center of Macau, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It ...

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