

Dalian Twin Towers

Dalian, 2010

Die Twin Towers erreichen mit 53 oberirdischen Geschossen eine Höhe von über 240 Metern. Beide Türme, deren mittige Rücksprünge durch gro...

Plasma Studio

Datong Twin Towers

Datong, 2010

The given typology of two towers above a rectangular four storey podium–a common typology in China–is a challenge. The two towers must su...

schlaich bergermann partner

Dalian Twin Towers

Dalian, 2009

Das Gebäudeensemble der Dalian Commodity Place, einer Termin- und Warenbörse, besteht aus den 260 m hohen Zwillingstürmen und vorgelagert...

HDC Design – Hum­ming­bird De­sign Con­sul­tant

Ministry Of Crab Restaurant Lounge

Wuhou District Chengdu, 2022

The Twin Towers on Jiaozi Avenue in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, have become one of the most popular landmarks in the last two years. Situa...



Shanghai, 2022

This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered struc...



武汉市, 2011

层出不穷的地标建筑争奇斗艳,已不再代表我们的进步。建筑和都市设计的未来,在其核心,必须去平衡和启发一种新的关于人与自然和城市的关系。 武汉“天城”包含了三个核心元素:都市村庄、特殊的摩天楼、和公园。都市村庄引进了一些新的文化、商业和休闲服务设施。它近人的尺度和动态的空...

Studio Link-Arc

Shenzhen Avic Fraser Suite Hotel

Shenzhen, 2016

Located in the center of Shenzhen Huaqiangbei district, this project called for the renovation of an existing building into a 200 room bo...



深圳/广州/北京, 2014

项目介绍 展览时间:2014 建筑类型:装置艺术 典出自《史记•廉颇蔺相如列传》,纸是物质材料和介质,兵是介质承载的内容。 字面理解,就是在纸面上谈论打仗;延展理解,无论战术如何成功,也难以在纸面上检验。空谈理论,不能成为现实。这个双重含义,给了我们这...

Atelier Alter Architects

WuliEpoch Culture Center

Beijing, 2018

WuliEpoch Culture Center attempts to create a triptych for architecture, landscape and interior design in the project. While the project ...



上海市, 2017



Sino Swedish Eco City

Wuxi, 2012

After an introduction by the Swedish Consul General in Shanghai in late 2009 Tengbom Stockholm won a commission to design 2.4 square kilo...

Brooks + Scarpa Architects

Kansa-Tai Residential Tower

Shenzhen, 2022

The 122 meter (430 foot) tall, 582-unit, 32 story concrete tower is located in the central business district of Shenzhen. Drawing inspir...

Atelier 100s+1

Art Center of Huangmei Opera

Anqing, 2005

Project Name: Art Center of Huangmei Opera Location: Anqing, Anhui Building Area: 5.90...



柴湾, 2017

RLP 为职业训练局 (VTC) 辖下的香港高等科技教育学院 (THEi) 兴建的新校舍位于香港柴湾区,结合绿化、现代化与宽敞学习环境于一身,促进校园内外的交流。校园设计采用双塔楼设计,使夏季的自然风能够进入校舍,也令公共与校园内的绿化空间相互结合,绿化空间得以垂直向上延伸...


The 3rd-i Virtual City

Shanghai, 2010

A multi-media installation project in collaboration with V2_ from Rotterdam, Shanghai eARTS and Cybercity Ruhr from Germany, presented du...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Shipai Town Hall

Shipai, Dongguan, 2003

Shipai Town Hall, Dongguan, 2002 Shipai is one of the thirty-three townships of Dongguan City in the Pearl River Delta ...

Atelier Deshaus

Tea House in Li Garden

Shanghai, 2016

Our design for the Exception Clothing is a teahouse in a small courtyard (around 100 square meters) where a tall paulownia grows. The cou...


Chaowai Men

Beijing, 2006

Chaowai Men This building is located in downtown Beijing's Central Business District. The urban environment around the site i...



采摘亭, 2012

2010夏天,我们受业主之邀,在昆山的一处有机农场里设计一组小型公共建筑,包括会所,采摘亭,植物展房,和入口信息凉亭,目的是为未来在这里活动的人群提供休憩和餐饮的空间。2012年初,采摘亭成为这组系列建筑中第一座建成的房子. 项目场地位于昆山西...



北京, 2015

功能:艺术博物馆、剧场、城市博物馆、图书馆、电影院等 石景山文化中心地处北京西五环外,倚靠皇家珍视的风水宝地西山,北京的母亲河——永定河沿经流过。特殊的文脉奠定了设计的出发点,取义山水的做法也呼应了传统文化中崇尚自然的永恒主题。 不同于北京普遍的井字城市...

Lemanarc SA

Sichuan Guangyuan Central Hospital

Guangyuan, 2019

Guangyuan, located in northern Sichuan in western China, is at the forefront of the country in exploring the integration of healthcare an...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2023

二十世纪七十年代末,深圳成为经济特区。香港招商局受命创办蛇口工业区。蛇口工业区的管理办法和经验被称为 “蛇口模式”,引领了深圳乃至中国其后40年的经济腾飞。招商局成立于1872年,为迎接招商局150年华诞, 决定在蛇口微波山顶建造招商局历史博物馆,弘扬蛇口精神,致敬改革开放...

TM Studio

The International Club, Hi-Technology Industry…

Nanjing, 2003

Location: Hi-Tech District, Nanjing Design: 9/2002-7/2003 Construction: 7/2003-12/2004 Architect: TONG Ming, CHEN Ji...

dongqi Design 栋栖设计

AL's Place

上海, 2018

由栋栖设计的Al’s Place位于上海K11的4层,为开放式餐饮空间。 6mm厚的扁钢结构组成从了开敞快速到私密舒适的不同类型空间,同时站立高度的视线保持非常通透。扁钢间通过斜拉钢索形成完整的以小见大的微结构体系,营造出非常轻盈的空间效果。在统一体系下的钢结构高低错落,...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Shede Visitors Center

Tuopai, 2019

Location + Site The project is in a company town named Tuopai Zhen in Sichuan where the distillery of Shede, an old liquor brand in China...

Atelier Deshaus

Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain

Chengde, 2022

The Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain is not an ancient temple, but the ancient Great Wall at far is an unprecedented miracle. The estab...

10 Design

Jinwan Huafa International Business Centre

Zhuhai, 2022

International Architecture Practice, 10 Design (part of Egis Group) is pleased to announce the completion of Jinwan Huafa International B...



天津, 2016

Yu Qingcheng is a world famous original clay sculpture artist who is renowned in China and oversea, the unique style strike out a new lin...

Atelier Deshaus

Blossom Pavilion

Shanghai, 2015

Blossom Pavilion is a cooperative spatial device with artist Zhan Wang, which is also one of the spatial art pieces project of Shanghai U...

10 Design

Fushan Primary School


Led by Design Partner Ted Givens, 10 Design has just completed the new Fushan Primary School, which will serve as an educational and comm...


Brloote Flagship

Shaoxing, 2018

A BLACK SQUARE ON WHITE “Squares remove their materiality and merge into infinity. All that remains is the indistinct trace of its appe...



Jinan, 2020

The 29-story office building with a maximum height of 126 m is located in the development zone around the new high-speed railroad station...


Jiading Science and Cultural Exhibition Center

Shanghai, 2011

This project is in collaboration with standardarchitecture. The project locates in the Jiading New City, one of the most developed ...


Zhulang Huagai: A Figure for the Nantau Urban…

Shenzhen, 2017

The Urban Villages of Shenzhen comprise of a series of historic cores whose presence today is precarious at best. Surrounded by the rapid...




十堰市位于湖北省西北部,与陕西,河南,重庆三省相邻。十堰市东部新城将在中心城区东侧,开辟城市新的发展空间,以居住为主体,综合性建设高品质工业服务业/商业贸易办公/购物休闲等综合功能,同时作为十堰市的旅游基础设施基地,为十堰市及其中心城区提供新的产业与经济动力。 ...

SLOW Architects

Baita Italia

Lake Songhua, Jilin, 2014

The Italian word “Baita” refers to a place that allows climbers to have a break and regain their strength. This café l...

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