
IN•X Design Co. Ltd.


Chengdu, 2022

项目地点:中国 · 成都 项目面积:1427㎡ 室内设计:IN.X屋里门外设计 设计主创:吴为 设计网站:www.inxid.com 设计团队:刘晨阳、贾琦峰、周勇 室内陈设:金升旭、应哲光、宋江丽 项目摄影:郑焰 项目策划:楽品牌策略机构 文...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Wan Wea Restaurant in Shimao Plaza Chengdu

Chengdu, 2021

Chengdu, a large city shrouded in smoky mist, is well known for the bustling restaurants by the People's Lake, the verdant trees in the p...

10 Design


Zhuhai, 2015

2015年11月,中国南部黄金地段之一-珠海城市之心中心区举行了一场国际公开设计招标,最终由10 DESIGN(拾稼设计)拔得头筹。 珠海城市之心中心区位于吉大商圈,总建筑面积达140万平方米之大型城市综合发展;亦为2017年第四季完工之港珠澳大桥的其中一個前期重点项...



Shanghai, 2022

This 10-story twin tower on the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai is a clear-cut center-core office building. The cantilevered struc...



Beijing, 2014

通过一个建筑单体,爱慕时尚工厂展示的不仅是企业形象,也以此孕育行业先驱的品牌精髓。从建筑外部,室内,到景观都是一个整体并拥有统一的建筑语言。爱慕时尚工厂也超越了一般工厂的含义,它更是一个聚集人们合作工作生活的地方。 代表行业先驱企业的力量 成立于1992年的爱慕...


Artifact: Curtain Walls

Shenzhen & Hong Kong, 2009

Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism/Architecture, Shenzhen Municipal People's Government Building This curtain wall research ...


Progenius Park

Ningbo, 2021

Progenius Park is different from a buyer's shop in that it is a “Styling” retail that combine bricks and clicks. It provides consumers wi...

Gabellini Sheppard Associates LLP

1436 Flagship Store


Located within Manhattan's landmark SoHo district, the Vera Wang boutique reflects and extends the designer's sensibility of elegant, per...

10 Design


武汉, 2020


Original Design Studio

M2 Tourist Terminal at Bai Lianjing

Shanghai, 2018

M2 Tourist Terminal is located near the former site of Expo 2010, Shanghai.It faces the Huangpu River to the north, Mu Zhongshanshui Gard...


广东省广州市教育城总体规划与教育城(一期)城市设计, 国际竞赛优胜奖


广州教育城总体规划范围20平方公里,是广州市2013年重点项目之一,规划24所职业教育院校,规划学生总数约20万。 本次规划结合国外及国家职业教育院校用地标准等指标,充分考虑职业教育资源、实训、产教共享等特点,在空间上提出了7大紧密共享的教育组...


Jia Little Exhibition Center

Songjiang District, Shanghai, 2011

Jia Little Exhibition Center integrates the display and production spaces of creative industries into a single mixed-use building complex...

10 Design

Haisco Plaza

Chengdu, 2022

A Green Community Centre in Chengdu’s New High-Tech Zone Designed by international architecture practice 10 Design (part of Egis Group)...

Atelier DYJG


浙江省杭州市, 2010

项目位置:浙江省杭州市 委托单位:杭州园林文物局和钱江管理处 面积:19.8hm2 设计竞赛:2008年/第1名 设计及建成时间:2008-2010年 获奖:2011年英国国家景观奖

Atelier d'More 多么工作室

书一·飞鸟集自习室 | 多么工作室Atelier d'More

Shanghai, 2021

Atelier d’More was commissioned to design a self-study room for Bosuer as its first store opening in Shanghai, hoping to create a soft ha...



承德, 2021

北京以北,一个以拥有明长城遗迹而闻名的山谷,一座半室外的音乐厅。 音乐厅位于山谷底部,犹如一块巨石奇迹般地降落在这里。整座建筑由混凝土浇筑,混凝土骨料来自当地富含矿物质的岩石。倒锥形的结构里包含了半露天的剧场、室外舞台、观景平台和一些服务空间。从声学的角度,巨石内部的...


“穹窿之花” 临夏民族大剧院

Linxia, 2015

临夏大剧院坐落于甘肃省临夏市规划新城的核心区域,用地面积52,300平方米,地上建筑面积 15,000 平方米,建筑总高度约 46 米。 在建筑造型设计上,采用识别力强的简洁几何球体,配以经典的比例形态及图案纹理,但要把这样精致且具象的造型放大成一个直径90米、总高4...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Xuji Seafood Restaurant Mixc World

Xi'an, 2022

With 22 years’ prosperous history, Xuji Seafood has been characterized by live seafood to broke through the weak era of Chinese catering ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Space Improvement Plan for Zaiwan Village

Jiaozhu City, 2021

Background and original appearance: rural revitalization led by aesthetics and a three-no ordinary village Xiuwu County is located in Ji...


Beijing EasyHome Mobao Smart Audio-Visual Store

Beijing, 2021

Treasure Hunt in a Sound Wonderland Designed by AYZ STUDI O Imagine a piece of music that attract your attention and mak...

TOMO Design


Guangzhou, 2023

Project Name: MASONPRINCE Client: MASONPRINCE Location: Guangzhou, China Area: 500sqm Completion Time: 2023 Design Studio: TOMO DESIGN, T...

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