

Huludao Beach Exhibit Center

Huludao, 2011

META-Project has completed the Huludao Beach Exhibit Center, a project which re-established the relationship between the cultural activit...


Qkids English Center

Xiamen, 2020

Qkids, a hugely successful online education platform, known for its high-quality online English courses to so far to more than 800,000 st...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Xuji Seafood Restaurant Mixc World

Xi'an, 2022

With 22 years’ prosperous history, Xuji Seafood has been characterized by live seafood to broke through the weak era of Chinese catering ...


RESET Apartment

Beijing, 2012

Context The lifestyles of young professionals have not been settling down. They are bored of the stereotypical ro...



福建省, 2011




上海市四平路1239号, 2006

同济大学中法中心位于校园东南角,西临校园内现存最老的建筑物一二九大楼和一二九纪念园,南侧为运动场,东侧紧靠四平路。基地西北角为保留的旭日楼,其南侧正对西面一二九纪念园有一片水杉林,基地内另有9棵散落的雪松、梧桐、槐树、柳树等需要保留。 我们把这一建筑看作建筑形...

INCLS (集合设计)


宁波, 2019


Atelier XI

UABB Longgang Exhibition Hall

Shenzhen, 2019

Folded Time-Light-Line Three months before the exhibition opening, the architects received an urgent commission from the curators to tra...

Atelier DYJG


福建省厦门市, 2006

项目位置:福建省厦门市 委托单位:厦门市市政园林局 面积:20hm2 设计及建成时间:2003-2006年 获奖情况:2008年福建省优秀设计奖 海湾公园位于厦门市西港和筼筜湖之间,它的北...

Praxis d'Architecture


Beijing, 2016

Existing Condition Ying Galley’s new location is inside a yard surrounded by two story buildings. Between the yard wall and the building...


Jinlong Prefab School

Shenzhen, 2020

In 2018, Crossboundaries designed a 36-classroom school, to be located in the newly established Pingshan district in the Chinese metropol...



贵州省, 2008

竹海国家公园占地10000公顷,位于中国西南部的贵州省,以独特的竹海为特色,构成了主要的旅游景点。 当地旅游部门决定推广景观项目,总面积22,000平方米,以提高对原始地貌和本地物种保护的意识。 入口建筑被设计成一组类似于竹海的密集的线条集,一个更密集的集群,可以在竹...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Siji Minfu Roast Duck Restaurant in Hujialou

Beijing, 2021

How rippling the sea is, where the mountain island stands upright. The mountain is overgrown with trees and lush grasses. So lucky to get...



Beidaihe New District, 2015

三联海边图书馆 图书馆位于沿中国渤海湾海岸线上。该设计的主要理念在于探索空间的界限,身体的活动,光氛围的变化,空气的流通以及海洋的景致之间共存关系。图书馆东侧面朝大海,在春,夏,秋三季服务于西侧居住区的社区居民,同时免费向社会开放。 设计是从剖面开始的,图书馆是...



休宁, 2016

齐云山树屋,位于中国安徽省黄山市西33公里处的休宁县境内,地属齐云山风景区。簇拥在一片红雪松(red cedar)林区。 树屋总高约十一米,与周边成熟树龄的红雪松同高。整座房子由七个二到三米见方的房间相叠而成,房间分别是玄关(entrance hall),两个卧室,两...

Various Associates

ATLATL Restaurant

Shanghai, 2020

Known as China's "Silicon Valley", Zhangjiang High-tech Park in Pudong, Shanghai integrates a wide spectrum of key cutting-edge industrie...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Shede Visitors Center

Tuopai, 2019

Location + Site The project is in a company town named Tuopai Zhen in Sichuan where the distillery of Shede, an old liquor brand in China...


Office in China World Trade Center Tower III

Beijing, 2020

In the China World Trade Center Tower III, a 74-story skyscraper in Beijing, AYZ STUDI O architectural design team completed a new office...

Various Associates

SND Sanya

Sanya, 2021

SND Sanya designed by Various Associates creates a spatial experience of moving in waves. Sunshine, sea waves, light Sanya on Hainan Is...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Treasure Box in the Desert Reception Center of…

Zhongwei, 2021

The project is located in the Tengger Desert of Zhongwei City, Ningxia, China which provides supporting services for a tent camp and also...

TOMO Design

Metro Station Passage at Vanke Wonderland

Hangzhou, 2022

Name: Metro Station Passage at Vanke Wonderland, Hangzhou Client: Hangzhou Xishu Real Estate Co., Ltd. Management team: Vanke Hangzhou Lo...



桐庐, 2019

一庭亭位于浙江桐庐,2019 年始建,作为一个乡村综合体的独立会客厅和餐厅使用。原址是一栋夯土的二层民房,根据土地使用条件,新建建筑的范围和高度不能超过它。这意味着建筑本身只有通常客厅的大小,周围遮挡,无甚景色,缺乏潜力。如此小的面积,我们还能思考什么呢?乡土风格?结构表现...


以焕新“点亮”城市社区 天津滨江道“Balabala旗舰空间”改造项目

Tianjin, 2020


3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore

Sanming, 2017

Shangping Village Regeneration - Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore Yang’s School Area is located at the intersection of the two ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Mica Bar

Weihai, 2018

Remoulded from an ordinary private multiple dwelling house in the Wangjiatuan Village in the city of Weihai, Shangdong Province,the Mica ...


"Zone out Space"——Aranya Theatre Festival…

Qinhuangdao, 2021

"Migratory Birds 300", an important sector of Aranya Theatre Festival, requires a temporary building to exhibit images and installation...

Steven Holl Architects

Horizontal Skyscraper

Shenzhen, 2009

Hovering over a tropical garden, this ‘horizontal skyscraper’ – as long as the Empire State Building is tall - unites i...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Dalian International Conference Center

Dalian, 2012

With the International Conference Center, the Viennese architectural studio Coop Himmelb(l)au has constructed an unmistakable landmark fo...


前滩太古里MOViE MOViE影城与库布里克书店

上海, 2021

在线上观影模式方兴未艾的当下,实体影院该如何革新才能吸引电影爱好者? 芝作室在设计首个电影院项目MOViE MOViE影城时就面临这样的课题。首先要思索观影体验的本质,它是一个逃离现实的瞬间,是一段荡涤心灵的旅程,或是一场穿越时空的探索。基于这样的想法,设计团队尝试在...

IN•X Design Co. Ltd.

Huda Restaurant Main Store in Beijing

Beijing, 2020

The famous Beijing restaurant “grown up” from Guijie - The catering strategy trilogy of Huda restaurants In 2020, under the cooperation ...



Guizhou Province, 2017

贵安新区大学城消防应急救援中心位于贵州高原中部——贵阳市贵安新区的核心区域,项目基地系夹于两峰之间,前后高差30米的坡地,基地呈梯形状,南边长352米,北边长137米,东边长180米, 西边长95米;基地东边花燕路宽46米,南边城市道路宽30米,东北为花燕互通立交,距离约3...

Various Associates

Pavilion for Design in Bay Area Exhibition

Shenzhen, 2020

Breaking Boundaries | Chair, Desk, Wall or Architecture? Entrusted by Shenzhen Institute of Interior Design, Various Associates conceive...



北京市, 2014

这个占地4.5公顷的新建公立中学位于北京西南五环外的一个新城的中心,是著名的北京四中的分校区。新学校是这个避免了早期单一功能的郊区开发模式、更加健康和可持续的新城计划中重要的一部分,对新近城市化的周边地区的发展起着至关重要的作用。 创造更多充满自然的开放空间的设计出发...


Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain

Boluo, 2018

“Rhizome” Labyrinth in the Forest — Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain Key words: rhizome, becoming, labyrinth Lying in mountains with a la...



香港, 2016

珠海學院新校舍的建築,充份突顯一所高度互連互扣的學府。設計參考了香港這高密度都市的特質,把垂直功能叠加及立體交通的概念溶入校舍的設計中,把珠海學院設計成一個高度連扣,高度密集的城市縮影。 設計亦有圖書館橋及學生會橋橫跨裙樓草坡上空,既連接了東、西兩翼,亦構成了一個標誌...

Rural Urban Framework

Lingzidi Bridge

Shangzhou, 2012

The design of the bridge involves a singular loop linking two levels of the riverbank and an additional arm connecting across the river. ...

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