
hcreates interior design

Gemma De Osteria

Shanghai, 2017

Located upstairs from a busy street, Osteria de Gemma is Italian restaurant crazy about pasta. A warm earthy color palette with natural f...



北京海淀区, 2010

德厚院咖啡书店 “标准营造”小尺度城市改造实验 “德厚院”位于北大清华之间的成府路上,由一个长达十个开间的珩车车间的两跨空间改造而成。空间原有面积约280平米,宽12米,深24米,高...


kapok K11 Musea

Hong Kong, 2019

This is the second store COLLECTIVE designs for Kapok. The spatial quality of the given site inside the shopping mall is a challenge – ...



广州南沙, 1999

项目介绍 地点:中国·广州·南沙 建筑师:刘 珩 项目团队:黄傑斌 结构构造特点与运用材料:钢筋混凝土与钢结构 用地面积...

TM Studio

Ten Courtyard Houses

Suzhou, 2005

Location: Xiangcheng District, Suzhou Year: 2005 Architect: TONG Ming Site area: 600 m2 Floor area: 380-410 m...

Atelier DYJG

韵律与跳动 ——北京中关村软件园信息中心绿地

北京, 2004

项目位置:北京中关村上地 委托单位:北京中关村软件园发展有限责任公司 面积:1.5hm2 设计时间:2003 建成时间:2004 信息中心建筑位于北京中关村软件园的东北角,西南两面均为软件...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Hong Kong Tower - Adult Hotel


People assimilate knowledge thru the tracking of disparate environments. The dissemination of making a reposed signboard for de-personify...

BaO Architects

Xiao Feng Museum


The museum is entirely dedicated to the work of the painter Xiao Feng and his wife Song Ren. The building was supposed to be built on a s...

Rural Urban Framework

Tongjiang Recycled Brick School

Jianxi Province, 2012

DESIGNERS: Joshua Bolchover / RUFWORK/ The University of Hong Kong John Lin / RUFWORK/ The University of H...

Ferrier Marchetti Studio

Huaxin Tiandi Campus

Shanghai, 2020

How can an office campus contribute to the life of the neighborhood in which it is located? Here, the large garden that serves as a daily...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Treasure Box in the Desert Reception Center of…

Zhongwei, 2021

The project is located in the Tengger Desert of Zhongwei City, Ningxia, China which provides supporting services for a tent camp and also...

Atelier Deshaus


上海, 2011



云南省丽江玉龙新城规划, 竞赛中标实施

云南, 2004

规划中的玉龙新城位于中国云南省丽江纳西族自治县境内。丽江此处金沙江上游,历史悠久,风光秀美,自然景色壮观,是少数民族纳西族的故乡。丽江古城被联合国教科文组织列入《世界文化遗产名录》中。丰富的旅游资源吸引了很多中国及世界各地的旅客前来观光。 我们的总体规划决定了...



西藏,林芝, 2008




Liaojiaqiao Town, 2020

传统聚落的重生 凤凰古城,位于湖南省湘西土家族苗族自治州,是中国历史文化名城,曾被新西兰作家路易·艾黎称为中国最美丽的小城,享有“北平遥,南凤凰”之美誉。凤凰古城之外的苗乡,有鲜为人知的自然风光、美丽的苗族村寨、以及神秘厚重的民俗文化。整个村庄依山而建,村内石屋错...


Bamboo Bamboo Canopy and Pavilions

Yangshuo, Guilin, 2020

The Impression SanjieLiu, Yangshuo, Guilin is located in one of the most dramatic landscapes in China. Endless greenery surrounds the sit...

Praxis d'Architecture


北京, 2013

现存空间是一个两层高的轻钢玻璃体块,南北35米,东西5米,西面依靠着另一座房子的外侧砖墙,东面是园区停车场。 我们感到白天中无处不在的光线和停车场的景象很难使人放松,层高过低使人感到沉闷压抑,空间比例过于扁长使人找不到归属感。 ...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Dalian International Conference Center

Dalian, 2012

With the International Conference Center, the Viennese architectural studio Coop Himmelb(l)au has constructed an unmistakable landmark fo...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty

Weihai, 2018

A Twelve-Roomed School of Beauty: Moderate Architectural Intervention with Skillful Usage of Mountain Rocks The Twelve-Roomed School of...

Atelier DYJG


山东省龙口市, 2014

林苑位于龙口市老城中心,面积约为26 ha。地块四面为城市道路,南部隔着港城大道为城市文化广场,东、西、北三面隔道路为居住区。林苑曾是一片空地,在2007年进行了简单粗放的绿化,形成一片林地,作为开放性的公园,可满足基本的散步和休息需要。由于设施不足、功能单一、景观单调,市...


San Sa Village

Beijing, 2019

"San Sa", formerly named as "The Third Hometown", refers to a social space created for an introspective group of people who seek a space ...

Various Associates

SND Sanya

Sanya, 2021

SND Sanya designed by Various Associates creates a spatial experience of moving in waves. Sunshine, sea waves, light Sanya on Hainan Is...


é é é - BSH品牌总部建筑设计

Shaoxing City, 2021

BSH总部位于江南水城绍兴,它由大犬建筑设计团队设计。é é é 建筑作为BSH总部的核心,其独特的形态在城市中脱颖而出。这是一座集零售空间、办公空间、餐厅、研发生产、观光体验于一体的综合性功能建筑。BSH品牌专注于高端羽绒寝具产品,其产品经过原料-洗净-加工-检查-充填-...

Atelier XI

Library in Ruins

Jiaozuo, 2020

In the beginning, the architect received the original commission to design a 300-square-meter public building for facilitating the county...

Various Associates

Pavilion for Design in Bay Area Exhibition

Shenzhen, 2020

Breaking Boundaries | Chair, Desk, Wall or Architecture? Entrusted by Shenzhen Institute of Interior Design, Various Associates conceive...

Urbanus Architecture & Design


深圳, 2012

The renovation at the Eastern Industrial Area located in Nanshan district, Oversea Chinese Town (OCT) LOFT plays a very important role fo...

Coop Himmelb(l)au

Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning…

Shenzhen, 2016

The Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) is part of the master plan for the Futian Cultural District, the new ur...

Atelier XI

UABB Longgang Exhibition Hall

Shenzhen, 2019

Folded Time-Light-Line Three months before the exhibition opening, the architects received an urgent commission from the curators to tra...

Prol Lighting

Beijing CR Land Instreet

Beijing, 2020

Exploring the hidden value of light series People sit together while chatting and laughing, enjoying a slow and relaxing lifestyle. When...


Jinlong Prefab School

Shenzhen, 2020

In 2018, Crossboundaries designed a 36-classroom school, to be located in the newly established Pingshan district in the Chinese metropol...



金华市, 2013

金华梅园探索阐述用当代建筑与景观语言来表达中国传统审美意境。 金华梅园东临武义江,南至环城南路,北至丹溪路,长约1千米,占地面积约13万平方米。2010年开始设计,并于2013年建成。在倡导足下文化与野草之美的环境伦理与新美学思想下,用当代景观设计手法,最终在闲置的武...


National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts

Kaohsiung, 2018

Kaohsiung is an informal, lively city of almost three million inhabitants. Not only is it the second largest city in Taiwan and one of th...



Shanghai, 2019



Jilin Museum of Classic Art

Changchun, 2018

Through the deduction of arch modules and the application of visual tension principle, the design of the Jilin Museum of Classic Art, as ...

hcreates interior design

Luneurs le garde-manger

Shanghai, 2020

Luneurs have rapidly expanded their loyal customer base since their first baked treats delighted customers at their experimental bakery l...


Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain

Boluo, 2018

“Rhizome” Labyrinth in the Forest — Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain Key words: rhizome, becoming, labyrinth Lying in mountains with a la...

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