
hcreates interior design

Gemma De Osteria

Shanghai, 2017

Located upstairs from a busy street, Osteria de Gemma is Italian restaurant crazy about pasta. A warm earthy color palette with natural f...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Xihe Cereals and Oils Museum and Villagers’…

Xinyang, 2014

The site is situated in Xihe Village, an unincorporated village in the mountain area that is 30km from the county town of Xin County, a N...

CAA Architects

Casa Talia

Parkview Green, Beijing, 2019

The project is located in Parkview Green, the most artistic commercial office complex in Beijing. In the "heart" of the nearly 100-meter-...



北京海淀区, 2010

德厚院咖啡书店 “标准营造”小尺度城市改造实验 “德厚院”位于北大清华之间的成府路上,由一个长达十个开间的珩车车间的两跨空间改造而成。空间原有面积约280平米,宽12米,深24米,高...


kapok K11 Musea

Hong Kong, 2019

This is the second store COLLECTIVE designs for Kapok. The spatial quality of the given site inside the shopping mall is a challenge – ...



广州南沙, 1999

项目介绍 地点:中国·广州·南沙 建筑师:刘 珩 项目团队:黄傑斌 结构构造特点与运用材料:钢筋混凝土与钢结构 用地面积...

ShuShe Architecture


山东德州市, 2014

设计机构:殊舍建筑 项目地点:山东德州市建筑面积:2.5万平米设计时间:2014年3月—2014年6月设计团队:何红才 李伟 陈应坤 刘家玉 金磊 何宏仕 简介:本项目位于山东德州市,建筑面积2.5万平米。此基地具有一定的特殊性,限高50米,东面、南面和北面都有高楼遮挡,...

TM Studio

Ten Courtyard Houses

Suzhou, 2005

Location: Xiangcheng District, Suzhou Year: 2005 Architect: TONG Ming Site area: 600 m2 Floor area: 380-410 m...

Atelier DYJG

韵律与跳动 ——北京中关村软件园信息中心绿地

北京, 2004

项目位置:北京中关村上地 委托单位:北京中关村软件园发展有限责任公司 面积:1.5hm2 设计时间:2003 建成时间:2004 信息中心建筑位于北京中关村软件园的东北角,西南两面均为软件...


有机农场系列 – 游客互动中心

昆山, 2014




上海市青浦区, 2005

项目介绍 接待中心位于上海青浦淀山湖西岸,由一栋会所和三栋客房楼及其花园组成,是一处具有田园郊野特色的高级度假及会议接待设施。基地北、东两侧临水,北侧临河有一处船坞;场地东半部是以高大香樟和广玉兰为主的茂密树林。 在细致的江南乡野景色中营造建筑是...

Rob Mothershed [Architects]

Hong Kong Tower - Adult Hotel


People assimilate knowledge thru the tracking of disparate environments. The dissemination of making a reposed signboard for de-personify...

CM Design



SMOORE Liutang Industrial Park locates in Xixiang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, at the northeast corner of the Liutang Park and adjac...


Chaowai Men

Beijing, 2006

Chaowai Men This building is located in downtown Beijing's Central Business District. The urban environment around the site i...



上海市四平路1239号, 2006

同济大学中法中心位于校园东南角,西临校园内现存最老的建筑物一二九大楼和一二九纪念园,南侧为运动场,东侧紧靠四平路。基地西北角为保留的旭日楼,其南侧正对西面一二九纪念园有一片水杉林,基地内另有9棵散落的雪松、梧桐、槐树、柳树等需要保留。 我们把这一建筑看作建筑形...

Atelier Feichang Jianzhu

Shede Visitors Center

Tuopai, 2019

Location + Site The project is in a company town named Tuopai Zhen in Sichuan where the distillery of Shede, an old liquor brand in China...



香港, 2011




桐庐, 2019

一庭亭位于浙江桐庐,2019 年始建,作为一个乡村综合体的独立会客厅和餐厅使用。原址是一栋夯土的二层民房,根据土地使用条件,新建建筑的范围和高度不能超过它。这意味着建筑本身只有通常客厅的大小,周围遮挡,无甚景色,缺乏潜力。如此小的面积,我们还能思考什么呢?乡土风格?结构表现...


"Zone out Space"——Aranya Theatre Festival…

Qinhuangdao, 2021

"Migratory Birds 300", an important sector of Aranya Theatre Festival, requires a temporary building to exhibit images and installation...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore

Sanming, 2017

Shangping Village Regeneration - Yang’s School Rural Library and Bookstore Yang’s School Area is located at the intersection of the two ...



秦皇岛市, 2006

本案例展示了如何用最少的干预,过艺术的介入,使流进城市的河漫滩便成为城市公园。项目中,原有河漫滩的植被和栖息地得到最大限度的保留,在此自然本底之上,引入一条红色飘带---坐凳,并结合架空的木栈道, 1场地与挑战 项目位于河北省秦皇岛市汤河的下游河段,北起北环路海...



上海, 2015

滨江爱特公园位于上海北虹桥滨水景观带内,占地面积1.3公顷,兼具运动休闲,社区游憩及环保教育等功能。 原有基地内堆放大量建筑垃圾及土方,设计过程中本着土方在地消化及再利用的可持续理念, 利用石笼填充废弃建筑垃圾,形成标志性的地景构筑物。 最南侧的石笼墙体长202 米,高5米...


Beijing Image

Beijing, 2005

Beijing Image Residential This residential housing project, located at the corner of the forth ring road and Fucheng Road ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Limestone Gallery

Anlong, 2017

Here is Anlong county in Southwest Guizhou province, where is the start point of Via ferrata in Anlong Limestone Resort. The destination ...

3andwich Design / He Wei Studio

Treasure Box in the Desert Reception Center of…

Zhongwei, 2021

The project is located in the Tengger Desert of Zhongwei City, Ningxia, China which provides supporting services for a tent camp and also...

Environmental Planning Studio

Tibet Hotel Project

Tibet, 2017

[credit] architect: Ken Hashimoto/EPS co-architect: Yasuaki Okada/Yas Architects co-designer: Miki Takayama [data] location: Tibet, Chin...

Atelier Deshaus

Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain

Chengde, 2022

The Upper-Cloister in Jinshan Mountain is not an ancient temple, but the ancient Great Wall at far is an unprecedented miracle. The estab...

hcreates interior design

Switching Time

Shanghai, 2020

FUTURE INVESTMENT THROUGH DESIGN AND COLOUR A colourful and fresh new space for this energetic and successful Shanghai based Integrated C...

CL3 Architects

H Code


Project Name: H Code Completion: October 2018 Site Area / Floor Area: 842 m² /12,635 m² Location: 45 Pottinger Street, Central, Hong Kong...



江苏省苏州市, 2007



Tank Shanghai

Shanghai, 2019

Along the banks of Shanghai's Huangpu River, five decommissioned aviation fuel tanks once stood abandoned on an empty industrial site. To...

BaO Architects

Xiao Feng Museum


The museum is entirely dedicated to the work of the painter Xiao Feng and his wife Song Ren. The building was supposed to be built on a s...


Horizon Yacht FD90 Hull 22

Taiwan, 2022

Der taiwanesische Yachtbauer Horizon Yachts hat im Januar 2022 die 22. Yacht aus der Reihe FD 90 fertiggestellt: FD90 Hull 22. Die Vier-K...

CL3 Architects

Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan

Beijing, 2019

Project Name: Hyatt Regency Beijing Shiyuan Category: Hospitality Completion Time: April 2019 Site Area: 15,625 m² Location: Beijing, Chi...

Lemanarc SA

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Nanjing, 2012

Nanjing is an ancient Chinese capital, a traditional city. It has also become a megalopolis, one of the most populated cities in the worl...


Experimental Primary School of Suzhou Science…

Suzhou, 2016

Our proposal here takes advantage of the existing constraints and leverages the maximum value from the natural surroundings - Confronting...

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